“Harvard – Da frigideira para o fogo”
Em seu artigo abaixo, Victor Davis Hanson faz algumas perguntas pertinentes sobre o futuro de Harvard
PAMELA GELLER - Victor Davis Hanson - American Greatness = 7 JAN, 2024
Em seu artigo abaixo, Victor Davis Hanson faz algumas perguntas pertinentes sobre o futuro de Harvard, o destino de seu conselho de administração, a indiferença de Claudine Gay aos níveis chocantemente altos e óbvios de anti-semitismo no campus de Harvard, sua desonestidade intelectual, sua mediocridade como acadêmica, bem como qual poderia ser seu destino final, apesar da ansiosa intercessão de Barak Obama em seu nome junto ao Conselho de Governadores de Harvard.
Com medo de ser exposto por contratar alguém como presidente de Harvard que era lamentavelmente inadequado para ocupar uma posição tão elevada e com medo de ser acusado de racismo se demitisse Claudine Gay com base na sua incapacidade ou, pior ainda, na sua relutância em agir em defesa dos estudantes judeus em Harvard, sendo sujeita a demonstrações assustadoramente agressivas de anti-semitismo e à bandeira do Hamas agitando no campus, o conselho de administração de Harvard permitiu-lhe renunciar depois de mais de 40 casos de plágio terem sido descobertos nos seus documentos.
Muitos de nós estouramos a rolha do champanhe que havíamos guardado para essa eventualidade, mas a efervescência começou a diminuir quando percebemos que a Sra. Gay continuaria como professora em Harvard com um salário de mais de US$ 900.000,00 por ano. Com base em revelações recentes sobre ela ser uma fraude acadêmica, não é surpresa que a maioria dos pais agora considere que fazê-la ensinar seus filhos de graça seria muito caro.
No entanto, a Sra. Gay agora pode passear na sala comunal do corpo docente com os prefeitos fracassados Bill de Blasio e Lori Lightfoot, juntamente com o âncora fracassado da CNN, Brian Stelter, todos a quem Harvard contratou como professores.
As Grandes Fundações, Comunistas, Fabianos e Nazistas
Fracassar para cima é uma prerrogativa estimada pelos esquerdistas. Afinal, temos um plagiador em série ocupando espaço na Casa Branca. A diferença entre estupidez e gênio, segundo Einstein teria observado, é que o gênio tem seus limites, o que nos faz pensar onde Kalamity Harris irá pousar. As perspectivas são ilimitadas. Estamos lidando com pessoas que teriam promovido o capitão Bligh a almirante da frota.
É um enorme alívio ver a Sra. Gay sair do gabinete do presidente em Harvard, mas foi decepcionante ler sua carta de demissão onde, de forma um tanto inevitável para uma “contratação de diversidade”, ela jogou a carta da raça, admitiu não ter culpa e falhou. para se desculpar por sua administração divisiva. No dia 8 de dezembro, usando óculos que pareciam ter sequestrado seu rosto, a Sra. Gay pediu desculpas por seus comentários no final de seu depoimento perante um comitê do Congresso. Seu pedido de desculpas me lembrou do marido que chegou em casa com um buquê de flores depois de uma noite de farra, mas não conseguiu entender que as flores não importavam se ele não estivesse usando calças.
Poucos, se é que algum, sentirão falta de Claudine Gay no comando de Harvard, mas muitos pensam que permitir que ela se demita por plágio, em vez de ser despedida pelo seu abjecto fracasso moral em confrontar e aplicar penas ao anti-semitismo flagrante e contra os apoiantes do Hamas em Harvard, é um pouco como Al Capone sendo condenado por fraude fiscal em vez de vários assassinatos. Suspeito que esta foi uma tentativa do conselho administrativo de Harvard de buscar a absolvição sem abandonar seu pecado original de abraçar os absurdos destrutivos do D.E.I. em primeiro lugar.
Harvard—Out the Frying Pan Into the Fire
Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness
Harvard may assume the forced resignation of its president, Claudine Gay, has finally ended its month-long scandal over her tenure.
Gay stepped down, remember, amid serious allegations of serial plagiarism—without refuting the charges. She proved either unable or unwilling to discipline those on her campus who were defiantly anti-Semitic in speech and action.
But Gay’s removal is not the end of Harvard’s dilemma. Rather, it is the beginning.
In the respective press releases from both Gay and the Harvard Corporation, racial animus was cited as a reason for her removal.
Gay did not even refer to her failure to stop anti-Semitism on her campus or her own record of blatant plagiarism.
Yet playing the race card reflects poorly on both and for a variety of reasons.
One, Gay’s meager publication record—a mere eleven articles without a single published book of her own—had somehow earned her a prior Harvard full professorship and presidency. Such a thin resume leading to academic stardom is unprecedented.
Two, the University of Pennsylvania forced the resignation of its president, Liz Magill. She sat next to Gay during that now-infamous congressional hearing in which they both claimed they were unable to discipline blatant anti-Semitism on their campuses.
Instead, both plead “free speech” and “context” considerations.
Such excuses were blatantly amoral and untrue. In truth, ivy-league campuses routinely sanction, punish, or remove staff, faculty, or students deemed culpable for speech or behavior deemed hurtful to protected minorities—except apparently white males and Jews.
Yet Magill was immediately forced to resign, and Gay was not. Also noteworthy was Magill’s far more impressive and extensive administrative experience, along with a more prestigious scholarship that was free of even a suggestion of plagiarism.
Academia’s immediate firing of a white woman while trying desperately to save the career of a less qualified and ethically challenged black woman will be seen not as a case of racial bias but more likely of racial preference.
Indeed, to keep Gay’s job and to defend her from plagiarism charges, both Harvard and Gay herself were willing to say things that were simply absurd, if not patently untrue.
Harvard invented a new phrase “duplicative language” to euphemize the reality of Gay’s intellectual theft.
Even after Gay resigned, Harvard jumped the shark by further downplaying her plagiarism by dubbing it as mere “missteps.”
Harvard and its supporters further embarrassed themselves by alleging that if the victims of Gay’s plagiarism didn’t object, then why did her expropriation matter that much?
Are we then to assume that plagiarism is not a serious violation of the entire ethos of scholarship, quite in addition to the aggrieved plagiarized party?
The university descended even further by suggesting that if the complaints were lodged by anonymous scholars, they were somehow less serious.
Has Harvard ever heard of the reasons why whistleblowers are often protected from retribution by grants of anonymity?
Liberal Harvard, through its lawyers, even threatened the New York Post with legal action if it aired charges of Gay’s plagiarism.
Yet only days later, the university was swamped by further proof of Gay’s scholarly misconduct, involving improper use of data and more plagiarism extending back even to her dissertation.
Harvard, remember, claimed that it had conducted a thorough investigation that had cleared her of actionable plagiarism—even as more charges arose of her prior culpability.
But more importantly, what happens to ex-president Gay now?
Does resigning from the Harvard presidency and returning to a full professorship mean that charges of plagiarism disappear?
Would any other Harvard professors continue to be employed without addressing over two dozen separate charges of plagiarism lodged against them?
Do Gay, the Harvard Corporation, and the more than 700 Harvard professors who closed ranks and wrote a letter supporting Gay now argue that plagiarism is no longer a serious offense at the nation’s supposedly most preeminent university?
Will students who emulate Gay’s habit of copy-and-paste, failure-to-footnote, and misuse-of-data now be exempt from dismissal or suspension?
After Gay’s embarrassing December 5 congressional testimony and her resignation, what now is the Harvard policy toward anti-Semitism?
If next week, anti-Israel students once again call for the destruction of the Jewish people in Israel all the way “from the river to the sea,” or if they again storm Harvard’s Widener library, screaming support for the October 7 massacre and intimidating Jewish students, what will the new—or old—Harvard do?
Again nothing?
Finally, Harvard insinuated that Gay was fired by racist outside pressure—despite the fact that many of her critics were large donors furious about the diminution of the reputation of their alma mater.
Is Harvard suggesting that its own mega-donors are racists?
What then might come next?
The resignation of the entire board of the Harvard Corporation that is the ultimate cause of Harvard’s descent into mediocrity.